Advanced Course

The advanced course is for the artists who have passed the intermediate course or have enough professional experience in front of a camera to provide a resume or acquire enough points in the entry exam.
In this course, acting in front of a camera professionally, untold points of acting, will be taught by Mr. Amin Hayaiee himself as well as other experienced teachers.

Graduates of this course will be supported by Hayaiee Performing Arts Institute.

امتیاز دهید

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد.

این فیلد را پر کنید
این فیلد را پر کنید
لطفاً یک نشانی ایمیل معتبر بنویسید.
شما برای ادامه باید با شرایط موافقت کنید
